Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tips and Tricks!

Shortcuts provided by Google.
There's nothing more frustrating to me than when I am attempting to use Google for a quick and simple answer and I get a list of a several hundred answers and some of the results are not even relevant to what I Goggled.  Luckily, I learned that Google has a page of tips and tricks making searching easier and more time efficient! 

My favorite tip that I've learned that Google offers is allowing the user to filter results based on reading levels. This is a great tip to know especially for educators.  By modifying the reading level it is allowing the results to show up based on the reading level chosen by the user.   Hopefully by changing the reading level it will help with student comprehension on what is being searched or read. 


Just when I started to think Google was so much easier and useful to use with all of the tips and tricks, I was introduced to a new search engine called, Wolfram Alpha.  Wolfram Alpha, is a very quick and easy way to get answers and information.  This site is extremely user friendly.  I like how fast this site is at bringing up accurate information.  
This site would be great in a school setting for students to use because it gives factual, precise information.  After spending some time on Wolfram Alpha, I would prefer my students use this mainly because of the simplicity. 

In classrooms today it is extremely important that educators are teaching students the importance of copyright law in regards to the Internet.  Educators and students need to make sure they are obtaining permission to use other people's work, music and pictures.  An easy way to make sure educators and students are not breaking any copyright laws is to use a website that has been given permission to use the owners work, that site is called Creative Commons.  Students can also find Creative Common pictures by using Google.  

Educators and students today have so much information and resources from the Internet.  
It is important that educators are educating themselves
on the tips, tricks and copyright laws so that they are able 
educate their students on the every changing Internet!

Until next time my friends!


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